Best 4 neuroscience Doctors in Egypt

Discount 10 %
Ahmed Darwish Mahmoud
MD - Professor

DR.Ahmed Darwish Mahmoud


Consultant Neurosurgery, Spine and Brain Tumour Surgery, Professor of Ain Shams University

  • Fees 400 EGP

400 EGP


    Ahmed Darwish Mahmoud Specialized in Neurosurgery , Neurology , Spine Surgery , Epileptology
    Discount 10 %
    Ayman Mohamed Kilany
    MD - A. Professor

    DR.Ayman Mohamed Kilany


    Assistant Professor of Neurology - Consultant Neurology - Pediatric Neurology - National Research Center

    • Fees 300 EGP

    300 EGP


      Ayman Mohamed Kilany Specialized in Interventional Neurology , Neurology , Neuropathic Pain Intervention , Epileptology , Neuro Critical Care , Cerebrovascular Diseases , Neuro-Paediatrics , Movement Disorders